Where To?

With our departure scheduled for late summer/early fall, we know we want to enjoy the nice weather up in the Northern European countries and follow it as it moved down South.  So after several route attempts on Google Maps, we narrowed our year down to 26 countries – yup, you heard that right…26!!!

three bicycle upright parked on bridge

Which 26 Did We Pick?

Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia. Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal.

We also know that while we want to bounce around and see as many cities as we can, picking a few to stay long term and embrace being a local was important as well.  The idea of learning new languages, going to a market to shop for dinner, and finding amazing coffee shops.

Cities we plan to live in!

Paris in September, Florence in May, and Barcelona in August.

Sadly due to COVID-19, our plans for festivals like Oktoberfest, the Monaco Grand Prix, and La Tomitina have been cancelled.  But, C’est La Vie! We look forward finding other fun things to see and do.

As we await to hear when the EU reopens, keep checking back for more posts on how we planned our trip, where we’re traveling domestically in the meantime, and maybe even a guest blog post from Dave & Niya! You can also subscribe at the bottom of the home page to get automatic email updates on new posts.

From Abroad With Love – AG
