
Traveling to Turkey for the first time is like stepping into a tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. As you wander through the bustling bazaars of Istanbul, with the scent of spices and grilled meats filling the air you can feel the pulse of centuries-old stories. The surreal landscapes of Cappadocia, with its fairy chimneys and hot air balloon-filled skies, seem straight out of a dream. Meanwhile, the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean beckon you to relax and soak in the sun. Every corner of Turkey offers a new adventure, a blend of the ancient and the modern, the exotic and the familiar.

Hagia Sofia & Blue Mosque

Surrounded by groups of tourists, the Blue Mosque with its giant domes and minarets left everyone silently staring in awe. It was such a beautiful and peaceful journey walking around inside seeing all of the stunning paintings and tile work.

And just steps away is the Hagia Sophia covered with intricate mosaics telling stories of emperors and sultans, faith and transformation through the centuries.

Tip: Be prepared to remove your shoes when entering the Blue Mosque. Men cannot wear shorts, and women must have a headscarf as well as their shoulders and knees covered.

We stayed at the Soho House Istanbul in the Beyoğlu neighborhood on the Asian side of the Bosphorus. We loved being in a young and vibrant location with cool coffee shops and great unique restaurants. The house is also the former US Embassy.

Other Recommendations: Pera Palace or Four Seasons Sultanahmet


The bazaars of Istanbul are a real sensory experience, where the vibrant chaos of colors, sounds, and scents create an unforgettable atmosphere.

Wandering through the labyrinthine alleys of the Grand Bazaar, it’s easy to get lost amongst the stalls of carpets, ceramics, and handmade jewelry.

Meanwhile, the Spice Bazaar is filled with fragrant mounds of exotic spices, teas and sweets like Baklava and Turkish delight.

Cağaloğlu Hamam

There was no way I was coming to Turkey without experiencing one of it’s most famous and alluring Turkish Baths.

A hamam as it’s commonly referred to is a unique Turkish ritual of bathing that consists of a sauna, body scrub, massage, followed by a water bath.

Honestly…I don’t even know where to start! This was a sensory experience that really was one for the books. The first thing that comes to mind is feeling almost like a little girl again. There is something about “being washed” by someone else that is really…sweet.

Upon arrival and check in your given an explanation of what to expect for your service. You’re also given the opportunity to upgrade with a hair wash, fully body clay mask, and other add-ons. Men and women are then escorted to their separate areas of the hamam to receive their services. Your then introduced to your attendant who will show you to your changing room where you strip down to noting but your birthday suit and a teeny tiny paper thong, as well as flip flops and a peştemal (small towel). Then along with several other women you’re ushered into the sauna where you’ll sit for 10-15 minutes. When your sweat session is complete, hand-in-hand your attendant will walk you into the hot domed room where the real fun begins.

I hope modesty isn’t a concern, because this is when you drop your towel with the rest of the women and get down to business. In front of your water fountain, starting from the head, you’ll be doused with cool water which feels like a dream after the hot sauna. Your attendant will then lay you own on the warm marble platform and exfoliate you from tip to toe with the special kessa glove. Then come the bubbles! Bags and bags of tiny warm oiled bubbles will envelope your entire body and you’ll relax for the next 30 minutes while being massaged. Lastly, you’ll be guided back to the fountain to be rinsed with buckets of warm water, and your hair to be shampooed and conditioned. After your wrapped in warm towels you’re brought back into the waiting room to have tea and Turkish delight and return back to the real world.

Cats of Istanbul

One of the biggest surprises in Istanbul was seeing the stray cats and dogs.

Something that was initially deeply upsetting quickly turned oddly charming from the beautiful display of love and compassion of locals. They sit amongst you in restaurants being fed by staff, you’ll find little piles of cat food and water left at almost every street corner, and there are even little cat houses in alleys to provide them with shelter.

Their playful antics and gentle presence add a warm, endearing touch to the fast pace of the giant city.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

– Gandhi –

Leaving the bustling streets of Istanbul behind, it was time to head to region of Cappadocia, where fairy chimneys and ancient cave dwellings await. Just an hour away by plane followed by a quick car ride to village of Gorëme, the otherworldly scenery unfolded and the anticipation of hot air balloon rides filled us with a sense of adventure.

When the alarm went off at 3am my eyes sprung open like it was the first day of school. and I couldn’t wait for what I didn’t know at the time, would be one to the most amazing experiences of my entire life.

Hot Air Balloon

As we approached the sleeping giants in the darkness flames roared to life filling the hot air balloons. It a matter of minutes we were climbing into the baskets and I couldn’t barely breath with a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through me like electricity. But once we were in the air our apprehensions melted away. Floating gently over Cappadocia’s surreal landscapes, the world below becomes serene and dreamlike offering a peacefulness that feels utterly magical.

There are very few things in life that end up being “as advertised” and even fewer that end up being better…this was one of them.

Click below and turn the sound on to experience a little slice of our hot air balloon ride

Cappadocia Open Air Museum

Exploring the Cappadocia Open Air Museum feels like stepping into a living history book, where ancient rock-cut churches and monasteries reveal stunning frescoes that have withstood the test of time.

As you wander through these remarkable relics of early Christian civilization, the rich cultural heritage of the region unfolds before your eyes, leaving you in awe of its historical significance.

After so much adventure and excitement, it was time to hit the beaches of the Turkish Riviera for some much needed R&R.

Turkish Rugs

We visited the women’s co-op at Etrim Halıcılık which was about a 45m drive outside of Bodrum to learn about traditional rug-making.

The vibrant colored yarns are dyed from local ingredients like chamomile, onion skins, pomegranate flowers, and tobacco.

Watching the skilled women hand-weave colorful patterns, you gain a deep appreciation for the cultural heritage and craftsmanship passed down through generations.

I’m filled with gratitude for the unforgettable experiences and warm hospitality we encountered while traveling through Turkey.

From Abroad with Love – AG


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