The glitz and glam of Nice, Cannes and St Tropez may well receive the accolades of the French Riviera, but the quiet hilltop town of Saint-Paul-de-Vence was a happy surprise for our first destination in France! With its entanglement of cobblestoned streets, Medieval ramparts, and views to the Mediterranean Sea its a gem for sure.

Medieval Stronghold turned Artist Commune
In the early 20th Century the town because a haven to artists like Picasso and Chagall, writers like Ernest Hemingway and James Baldwin, actors including Kirk Douglas and Richard Gere…and even home to a Rolling Stone. The quiet and creative atmosphere gave refuge and inspiration to many different celebrities.
Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner were married here by the Mayor on my birthday – who knew?!?!
But for me, the most meaningful celebrity was one much closer to home 🙂 While we were visiting Saint-Paul-de-Vence we discovered that my best friends Mom was here and took a picture in front of this very same fountain 10 years ago!! I’m often in awe of the world and how big it is, but it’s moments like this where it feels so small.

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Parlez-vous Francais?
I’ve been waiting more than half of my life for this moment and I’ve FINALLY made it here! When I entered into High School 20 years ago (insert eye roll) I was given the opportunity to choose a language to study for the remainder of our four years, I chose French and like most young girls have been infatuated by the romance ever since.
While my French is pretty rusty, it’s amazing how much of it came back. I was able to recognize much more than I anticipated which was really helpful in communicating with the locals. It sparked excitement to start learning more so I downloaded an app called “Drops” and am shocked after just a week of doing the daily exercises how much farther I’ve come. I hope to be back in France come end of October and be ready to test out what I’ve learned.

Rosé All Day!
Lunch outside on a hot summer day isn’t complete without a glass of rosé, and there’s no other place in the world better to drink it than in Provence.
Making rosé is a speciality here and a longstanding way of life. Due to the climate, terroir, and grape varietals Provence, France is the leading producer of rosé in the entire world. Even Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have their own wine from here!
We loved it so much that we cheers’d with a glass on our 10 year anniversary and on my birthday while we were here.

I can’t even begin to explain how wonderful this little town was and I highly HIGHLY recommend it if you ever find yourself down on the French Riviera. This was just a little pitstop on our way to Spain and Portugal, but don’t worry we’ll be back to France in a few weeks to share more.
From Abroad With Love – AG