Month Two Abroad

Another 30 days down and still going strong! I thought it would be fun for Month 2 to do a Q&A about our travels.

Q: What has been your favorite hotel/Airbnb?

A: No hesitation, the houseboat in the Algarve! This unique stay has been on Dave’s wishlist since before we left the US and Im so glad we were able to check it off the list for him.  The Algarve is known for sun and sand so staying on the sea made perfect sense. This was our first destination in Portugal so being in such a fitting living space was really fun.  

Q: Do you find it at all limiting to travel with Niya?

A: Honestly, not one bit.  It requires a little extra planning but there’s not been one thing we’ve missed out on because of her.  She’s been to vineyards, restaurants, beaches, planes, trains, and boats.  Because she’s a giant breed her energy is low and lazy.  She just wants to be with you and generally lays down where ever she can find a comfy spot.

With that being said, were lucky that she’s such a good house dog too and doesn’t mind one bit being left on a quiet couch for a few hours while Dave and I check out something she can’t be apart of.

Also, having a car has made our transportation so much easier.  She just hops in the back and looks forward to the next spot she can snuggle in.

Q: What is Dave doing about his haircuts?

A: Insert doubled over hysterical laughing!!!  If I had a dollar for every time a hair joke was made at my husbands expense we’d be staying on this trip for longer than a year.

Anyone who has known him the 10 years I have, or longer, knows his game is strong!  Lucky for him European men take their cuts very seriously so he’s had great experience everywhere so far.

With that being said, we’ve stopped in no less than 15 barber shops in several different countries looking for his hair gel.  Why we didn’t buy the tins in mass before we left is still a mystery to me.

Love ya Babe!!!!

Q: Tell me more about your wardrobe and how your managing that being mobile?

A: I spent MONTHS planning what I would bring on this trip because we would only have one large checked bag and two carry-ons to work with.  I knew sticking with a basic and neutral color palette would be best for mixing and matching.  A crisp white button down, good jeans, a slip dress, and leather jacket can go a long way and always look chic.  Thankfully with some ninja packing skills I didn’t have to skimp on 7 handbags and 12 pairs of shoes (eek!).  Now that the Autumn/Winter months are upon us we’ve picked up a few items to keep us warm, lots of laying pieces and basics.

Q: What has been your hardest moment so far?

A: Ugh, what a great question! This is an embarrassing answer, but the truth is I had a full on crying, can’t breath panic attack inside a Spanish grocery store. I had gone in by myself and just felt so out of sorts not knowing how to read the food labels, not knowing my way around the store, and not being able to ask for help. My best friend spent a semester abroad in college and she gave me the advice that at some point being surrounded by nothing remotely familiar would hit me… and boy oh boy did it!

I also had a bit of a tough time in our 3rd and 4th weeks when we started bouncing around and only staying 1-2 nights in a location.  We were booking last minute which created a lot of chaos, something I generally don’t handle well.  But we’ve learned now that a minimum of 3 nights works best and it’s been smooth sailing since. 

Q: What has been the favorite place so far, answered by each of you

Ashley: I knew this question would come and would be almost impossible to answer.  I would have to say Lake Como in Italy, it was the quietest and most relaxing.  It also reminded me of Lake Winnipesaukee back home in NH…go figure! But a VERY close second would be Hvar Island in Croatia! 

Dave: With no hesitation, Hvar Island in Croatia.  Dave’s soul lives by all things sun, sand, and sea, so the hot weather and turquoise waters of the island fit his laid back vibe.

Niya: Saint-Paul-de-Vence in France! The weather was finally cool and the town was quiet. There was a big couch in our Airbnb that she got to sleep on.  Plus, she was a commodity there so she got all of the attention to include hugs, kisses, and treats!

Q: “What did you not know you needed, until you needed it”?

A: Ice cube trays and Google Chromecast

Q: Are Europeans wearing masks?

Every country has been different, but overall yes.  All of the 7 counties we’ve been to require a mask indoors, to include walking to your table.  They all have hand sanitizer at the door before entering, QR code menus, and social distance markers everywhere.  Some countries like Spain and Portugal, and maybe even now France, have mask orders while you’re outside.  With case counts going up all over the world I’ve found the EU to take very serious measures.

Overall we’ve felt very safe.  And keep in mind, because we don’t speak the languages or know anyone we pretty much keep to ourselves and have very limited contact with other people.  Plus, because of Covid tourism is way down so there are little to no crowds.

Hands down, Portugal is next level keeping everyone safe and their extremely low case counts reflect that.

Q: When is you sister coming to visit?

A: To be completely tansparent, this question was asked by my sister, haha!  Obviously right now travel abroad from the US isn’t easy.  For anyone who is truly considering it we’d recommend checking the IATA website frequently.  They provided the most updated information on restrictions per country.  When we left, Croatia was really the only option we had as a starting point and we were unsure if we’d be able to go beyond there.  A negative Covid test was required, and we’ve had several since to make sure were safe.

Travel is complicated but by no means impossible.  If you have questions, leave them in the comments section and we’ll try to help you navigate these strange waters.

Q: Best Meal?

A: FRENCH PRINGLES!!! Gawh, there I said it!! And want to immediately and embarrassingly take it back at the very same time!!!  Turns out that even abroad, once you pop the fun don’t stop!  But in all seriousness, I think we would probably have to say the paella in Valencia, Spain.  The city is cited as the birthplace for the dish so we couldn’t resist.  With that being said, Spain has always been one of our favorite food countries so you just can’t go wrong with all the tapas.  We also loved the food in Croatia to include the Octopus Salad and the Pistachio Gelato.

Q: What do people have to say about Trump?

A: Oh boy!! I vowed to answer all of your questions truthfully, but for this I am going to do my very best to walk a fine bipartisan line.  In short, the 2020 election has been brought up several times in every single country and has been a topic of lengthy discussion.  It’s been really surprising how closely people follow US news and our current political situation.  As we are, the international community is counting down the days and waiting on bated breath to see what happens on Nov. 3.

Q: How has it been Road Tripping?

A: Back when we started trip planning we talked about solely utilizing public transportation to get around.  Then I had a dream of us being caught in the rain with suitcases, a giant dog, and no cab to pick us up thus missing our train.  So we decided to get a car which has worked out perfectly.  It also functions as a mobile closet and storage area so we don’t have to drag everything into an Airbnb every few days, we can just run out and grab what we need.  Plus Niya gets the whole backseat to herself! Traveling via car also gives us the flexibility to come and go as we please, and we’ve gotten to see way more destinations and landscapes than we could have imagined.

My favorite part of travel days is spotting EU license plates from different countries.

I have to say, this has been so fun! I’ve loved all of the different questions and had a great time reminiscing and answering them.  It really does make me reflect on being gone. Some days it feels like forever and others just a blip in time.  I’d say its not always sunshine and rainbows but honestly, most days it is.  And on any day that’s not so great I do my very best to set my mind right and focus on being in this incredible moment.

For a girl who flew home 11 times in 12 months because she was so homesick her first year in Florida, Dave and I have both been surprised that I’ve not called it quits and dragged us back to the US.  Especially because the likelihood of visitors (my lifelines) is slim due to Covid.  Being absent for the important life moments of friends and family is hard, but having their support makes it that much more crucial for me to be present in the experiences we’re having abroad.

It never gets lost on me how lucky I am to be able to have this adventure and be able to share it with the person (and dog) that I love more than anything.  And all of you with this blog!

From Abroad With Love – AG
