
I grew up in a small New Hampshire lake town surrounded by cousins, woods, and high school soccer games. It was quiet and safe and everything you could ever dream of – but I couldn’t never shake bigger dreams of wanting to see the world beyond our small state boarders. When I started traveling in my mid-20’s my first trip out of the country was to Cairo, Egypt – it was sensory overload and I couldn’t wait to write my family every day so they could experience it too. As the list of travelled countries grew over the next decade, so did that email list, and in 2019 I created From Abroad With Love – AG as a way to share our travels with those who can’t, and inspire those who think they can’t.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindeness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one’s lifetime”

Mark Twain

In a strange and surprising way this blog allowed me to find purpose again, along with my identity and voice that once felt lost after selling my Boston based restaurants. It gave me a sense of that “small business hustle” that I craved and over time I came to realize this was no longer a hobby, but a passion I wanted to pursue full-time. So I decided instead of putting my posts on hold when I wasn’t traveling, I’d just continue to write and share about things that I enjoy or that interest me. Sometimes that fashion and beauty, some times its current events or mental health, and other times its food, and home, and family. It’s my hope that you’ll find inspiration, a genuine spirit, and a few laughs along the way.

From Abroad WIth Love – AG